Friday, October 15, 2004

Where We Have Been, Where We Are Going

It has been a year since we updated our Weblog, and that is for many and varied reasons. This is not for a lack of commitment. We have gone through a number of changes, and in the future, you should see regular posts online.

In addition, we will be integrating our Weblog onto our host website - National Philanthropic Trust ( We are rebuilding that entire site form the ground up, incorporating a new brand, and adding a number of features that will provide philanthropists and their advisors a host of tools, information and resources. As all things on the web, these will be rolled out over the next several months, but we are making progress.

For those who have expected more updates, we thank you for your patience. For those of you new to our site, welcome! We encourage and look forward to your comments, ideas and suggestions for what we can do to improve the content of our site. Contributors are our best sources.

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